On the internet
Martin Frederick Rust was born August 8th 1924. He was an amazing man. First of all, I want to say – he was my grandfather and I am immensely proud to be his granddaughter. I never said that when he was alive or to his face, but whenever I spent time with him, I enjoyed hearing his voice. I miss his voice. I miss him telling us we could be saved because we could. We lived with evil. My mother renounced Christ when my parents got divorced. Thank God my grandmother was dead already – that would have killed her alone.
My grandpa was born as the biggest baby born in Missouri in 1924 – 14 pounds. He was 6’3” and he was a S Sgt US Army World War II Bronze Star Medal Purple Heart. I don’t know exactly what that means because the military makes me uncomfortable, but I know he was amazing. I know that killing fellow Germans was something that hurt his heart until he died. Murder is murder is murder, I’d say. My grandfather would agree.
He worked for Farlo Farnsworth. He was the hiring manager for Farnsworth. He hired everyone to invent the television. He hired everyone to invent the internet, yes, even the women that you post online once a year. That was my grandfather, and just like Elon Musk doesn’t own the knowledge used to create Teslas or Starlink or anything else – that knowledge belongs to a hiring manager. I love them. All hiring managers. You keep the magic going. You keep us all going. Keep. Doing. It.
My grandfather knew the internet and television was taken over by Demons for years. People could post all their impurity online and get away with it. Tumblr was a Hell of a drug. Making Tumblr a “safe” website meant making all the other websites unsafe. All of the people from Tumblr brought their kinks and trauma to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. It was everywhere. It was a kink and is a kink to get people off on being angry.
People are not bad because they don’t want to see your naked body. People are not evil because they think you should respect yourself. You should. Why is that controversial to say? That you should care about what other people care about? They care about YOU. and when you’re posting weird stuff… your uncle sees that. Your high school teachers see that. Your best friend’s mom sees that and oh baby, she judges you.